

logos, calidad, madera, calidad madera, aenor, aitim, LOGO FSC

Carinbisa is commited to the highest quality. In all production processes, having implemented a quality manual. This quality is recognized widely, and the company is registered AENOR brand ER, with AITIM hallmark and certified by AENOR N quality product mark in its main lines of manufacturing of wood and wood-aluminium windows.


Carinbisa corporation wager also by quality suppliers and works every day looking for improvement in all its products and services. Guidance to achieve maximum customer satisfaction.



calidad maderas, carpintería industrial, carpintería doméstica, carinbisa,

Use of water-based varnish on CARINBISA windows, has many advantages over the use of other synthetic product::

- Greater outdor durability (5 to 10 years)

- High elasticity (no cracks)

- Not in depth sanding to re-varnish (only clean)

- No formation skins and blisters

- No flamable and self combustion of the product

- Color uniformity, with a wide varity of dyes

- Reducing the emission of polluting waste


All these features combine to make maintenance very simple, and with a minimum cost in materials and workmanship. Maintenance procedures are cleaning and restoration.

CLEANING is the main operation of maintenance. It has to do with water, neutral soaps and protective oils, in any case with corrosive products with acid base or ammonium.

RESTORATION of the outer layer finish coat, and that eventually loses thickness. Perform between 5 to 10 years depending color, orientation and climate zone. In some favorable cases may be expected even longer. 



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